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• Your trusted healthcare partner, a part of HCA Hospitals, ensuring quality care for our customers

Get Access To The World's, Smartest Virtual Healthcare Platform

Unlike Any Other Program Out There

Fill The Details To Get Best Suitable Healthcare Solution!

Why Choose Healthcare SMC?

We offer diverse health plans for cashless treatment at our network hospitals and providers. Our coverage includes advanced treatments like robotic surgery and radiosurgery.

Big Time Money

Expert Consultation

Smartest Health

Get access to the world’s smartest virtual healthcare platform!

with integrated RX savings and mental health support

For Group- Employer Plans!

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Choose The Best Suitable Plan!

Among the healthcare plans listed please identify the one that aligns most efficiently with you and your families needs.

Clever Healthcare Relief

$25 / month
  • Clever Health offers virtual doctor visits for just $25/month, allowing you and your family to receive diagnoses, treatments, and prescriptions for minor illnesses like colds, flu, and more. The app also provides mental health support and discounts on over 55,000 FDA-approved drugs at 80,000 pharmacies nationwide. Save time and money by downloading the free Clever Health app today!


$125 / month
  • For $125/month, per adult and $100/month, per child under 18, you get access to both Clever and Clever Healthcare Relief programs. This includes unlimited in-person visits with a doctor, saving you money on insurance premiums, co-pays, and deductibles. Additionally, you can save on prescriptions and have virtual doctor appointments for just $25/ month.

High-End RX Discount Plan

$16 / month
  • Our High-end RX discount plan is your partner in affordable healthcare. We have a team of credentialed pharmacy experts dedicated to securing the best prices for high-cost medications. Make managing medication costs a breeze. Join us today!

Healthcare SMC FAQ’s

Have a doubt? Go through our frequently asked questions and find what you are looking for!

Why Healthcare SMC?

Healthcare SMC offers affordable healthcare solutions for individuals and families who cannot afford traditional insurance plans. Our programs provide access to virtual doctor visits, prescription discounts, and comprehensive healthcare services without the high premiums, co-pays, and deductibles of insurance.

Healthcare SMC programs stand out due to their affordability and comprehensive coverage. Unlike traditional insurance plans, our programs offer direct access to healthcare providers, virtual care options, and discounts on prescriptions, surgeries, and medical procedures. We prioritize making quality healthcare accessible and affordable for all.

Healthcare SMC has been recognized for its commitment to providing affordable healthcare solutions and improving access to quality care for individuals and families. Our programs have received positive feedback from satisfied clients and have been acknowledged for their innovative approach to healthcare delivery.

Healthcare SMC offers claims services through our dedicated customer support team. For assistance with claims or any inquiries regarding our programs, you can contact us via phone at 1-888-242-7139 or email at

Healthcare SMC has positively impacted the lives of numerous individuals and families by providing affordable healthcare coverage and access to essential medical services. Our goal is to continue expanding our reach and making a difference in the lives of those who need it most.

The tax benefit is subject to changes in tax laws. Standard T&C Apply

Number of Cashless Healthcare Providers as of 30th June 2023

Number of Claims Settled as of 31st May 2023

Premium calculated for an individual (Age 18) for a sum insured 5 Lakhs in Zone 2 cities

Looking for a Perfect Healthcare Plan?

Don’t hesitate to contact our experts!

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Let us help you find the best plan for you and your family!

Sign up here today for HealthcareSMC.

Fill out the information below and a representative will call, and text you shortly to go over and explain all the programs that fit your needs.