Get Your Virtual Doctor Visit, Save On Rx Prescription, Reduce Your Medical Bills Off Your Credit, And Even Save On Your Current Out Of Pocket Insurance With This Program And Get To See A Doctor In Person With SMC
About SMC
SMC program allows you to directly utilize the doctor and be able to see that doctor in person as many times as needed. The concierge medical approach eliminates the high premiums, co-pays, and deductibles of insurance. You will be able to save on prescriptions and have virtual doctor appointments. The cost is $125 for all adults and $100 for children 18 and under.
Why Choose an SMC Program?
Download the App Now
The virtual care app that will allow you and your family members access to virtual doctor visits for as low as $25. Clever Health doctors can diagnose, treat, and prescribe for most minor illnesses including cold, flu, pink eye, strep throat, sinus infection, prescription refills, and much more.
Within the app, you will also have access to additional services of mental health support and prescription discounts. The prescription discounts are available for over 55,000 FDA-approved drugs and are accepted at over 80,000 pharmacies nationwide. Save time on your doctor visits, save money on prescriptions. Download the Clever Health app today for free.
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